
Why do we need the Salary Survey?

The Salary and Benefits Survey 2020 is completely anonymous… questioned by some and explained here in Steve’s latest blog

We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who completed the Salary and Benefits Survey 2020. Now the hard work starts as Red Tiger Talent analyse all the results and draw conclusions, comparisons and learnings from this latest year’s feedback and previous years.

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Salary and Benefits Survey 2020 – Coming Soon…

We will be conducting the third salary and benefits survey to location practitioners, with the help of Red Tiger Talent, our latest new sponsors. The link to complete the survey will be coming out the first week of January so do keep an eye out for that.

We hope as many of you can take part as possible. Please forward the survey to any colleagues in the site location industry who you think may also be interested in contributing. The more completed surveys, the more robust and useful the results will be.