
An Introduction to Property, London, 5-6 July

“An Introduction to Property” – 2 day course
Date: Thu % & Fri 6 July, 9:30am – 5pm, Central London
Price: standard price £795pp+VAT, SLA member price £675.75pp+VAT

A course for those who lack formalised property training or have a one-sided background. This course provides an in-depth 360° view of the property industry and how it all fits together, looking at market drivers, jargon, job roles & market players in-depth, lettings, investment & valuation. Quote SLA15% for your discount

For more information, visit click https://www.propertyoverview.co.uk/introduction-to-property-courses

Challenges and Opportunities in Retail Location Analysis, 14th June, Oxford


Oxford’s annual 3-day residential programme on retail location & customer analysis takes a well-earned break this year. In its place, we invite you to join us for a free one-day, invitation only event in Oxford focusing on the Challenges and Opportunities facing retail location analysis and customer insight professionals.

Within the context of some of the most significant changes to be facing the retail sector in a generation, there is an urgent requirement for firms to better understand the ways in which the location, role and performance of their physical asset base are changing. Neither stores nor high streets are dead, but stores need investment, focus and creativity in order to make them attractive places to shop; and the places in which retail stores have been traditionally found require profound re-evaluation. This has implications for decision makers in retail enterprises, real estate as well as in local and central government. Our particular interest lies in understanding the implications for the location planner and customer insight specialist of these changes: how will the consumer connect in the future with the retailer’s various points of presence; how will firms monitor and optimise the performance of the existing network (which will continue to involve network rationalisation and selective disposals), how will integration be achieved with the enterprise’s non-store channels, and how will new skills, analytical techniques and strategic approaches for forecasting be acquired by firms, given often uncertain demand across channels?

Participants in the workshop will be drawn from analysts and managers amongst retail, finance and other consumer services, property and retail professional service firms, as well as leading academics and commentators, but the day will also rely heavily on the views and contributions of attendees. Speakers will include Dr Jonathan Reynolds (University of Oxford), Dr David Rogers (DSR Marketing Systems), Sarah Hitchcock (Geolytix), Steve Halsall (Red Tiger Consulting), Richard Cuthbertson (Oxford University), Les Dolega (University of Liverpool).

Come and help shape the debate!

The workshop will comprise a mixture of presentations and panel discussions, including:

  • Navigating the new retail landscape
    A contemporary diagnosis of the challenges facing the sector, drawing on Oxford’s most recent research, together with a perspective from the US
  • Evaluating a new classification of UK retail places
    Traditional retail spaces in the UK are transforming their functions and land use occupancy patterns. We test how this is affecting the diversity and economic health of individual town and city centres as well as entire networks of centres
  • New methods for retail location planning: scenario planning and retailing
    Most contemporary analytical techniques focus on forecasting. Such approaches have less relevance in uncertain times. This session examines, and allows participants to test, the potential of scenario planning for evaluating alternative futures.
  • 2025: the evolution of retail location planning
    This session will explore what location planning teams do and how the role of a location planner is likely to change over the next 5-10 years
  • In addition, we will be offering an optional opportunity at the end of the event, for those able to stay, to visit the new Westgate development in Oxford, where the management team has kindly agreed to host a guided tour.

    The workshop is running with the generous support of the Society for Location Analysis and the ESRC Consumer Data Research Centre.

    Interested? Hold the date and contact us today!

    This event will run from 10am to 4pm on 14 June 2018.

    Spaces are limited. If you are interested in participating in this event, please .

    If you have any questions please contact Claudia.seiler@sbs.ox.ac.uk or info@thesla.org.

    More details will be posted to the RLA website events page and at https://www.sbs.ox.ac.uk/faculty-research/oxirm/workshops-and-training/rla

“An Introduction to Property”, Thursday 24 May, 9:30am – 5pm, Central London

If you are interested in training opportunities, there are a number of courses provided by the Property Review which may be of interest, including the following:

“An Introduction to Property”, Thursday 24 May, 9:30am – 5pm, Central London
Price: standard price £450pp+VAT, SLA member price £382pp+VAT
A course for those who lack formalised property training or have a one-sided background. This course provides a 360° view of the property industry and how it all fits together, looking at market drivers, jargon, job roles, market players, lettings, investment, valuations and uses a case study. Quote SLA15% for your discount
For more information, visit click https://www.propertyoverview.co.uk/introduction-to-property-courses

You can also download An Introduction to Property Brochure here.

“Understanding Valuations”, Wednesday 23 May, 9:30am – 5pm, Central London

If you are interested in training opportunities, there are a number of courses provided by the Property Review which may be of interest, including the following

“Understanding Valuations”, Wednesday 23 May, 9:30am – 5pm, Central London
Price: standard price £540pp+VAT, SLA member price £459pp+VAT
This course explains the valuation methods and what is used when & why, what factors impact valuations & how they differ by property type – brought to life by case studies – and addresses jargon so a valuation report will no longer hold any secrets for you, enabling more informed discussions and decisions. Quote SLA15% for your discount

For more information visit https://www.propertyoverview.co.uk/understanding-valuations

All courses provided by the Property Review are available to SLA members with 15% discount.

Esri UK Annual Conference – Applying The Science of Where, 22 May, London


22nd May 2018 | QEII Centre, Westminster, London

The UK’s premier GIS event is fast approaching
Bringing together over 2,500 GIS enthusiasts, from a wide range of industries, to share knowledge and expertise at a sensational event you won’t want to miss!

Places are already going fast – so register free today to ensure your participation!

Visit the event website to register your place today and please mention that you heard about it from the SLA.

To register your interest visit the esri website.

Location planning: salaries, skills and transformation – 25th April – London

Venue: Shoreditch Platform
Address: 1 Kingsland Rd, London E2 8AA
Nearest tube: Old Street
Date: Wednesday, 25th April
Time: 6pm for 6.30pm start; 7.45 networking

Our April meeting will focus on some of the practical personal development and skills challenges facing location planners and customer insight professionals in the context of the increasingly rapid and radical changes affecting retail, hospitality and service sectors. Amongst our speakers will be Steve Halsall, Founder of Red Tiger Consulting (formerly with Grant Thornton & CACI), who will provide the results of his latest annual survey of salary & benefits of location planning practitioners. Also speaking will be Steph Durbin-Wood, founder of Prospect Coaching, who will address issues ranging from behavioural impact, emotional intelligence and dealing with transformational change, drawing on her experience as (variously) National Location Planning Manager, Head of Capital Investment and Senior Transformation Manager for the Co-operative Group.

Download the presentations:

SLA Salary Survey by Steve Halsall

Connect with your Full Potential by Stephanie Durbin-Wood)

ESRI GeoBusiness Seminar, 21st March 2018 – Amsterdam

esri logo
ESRI Geo Business Summit

Business success today requires precise knowledge about who and where customers are. Geography exposes insights about sales, competition, customer behavior and operations. Using Location Intelligence, companies can bring disparate data into one place and use location as a common reference to unlock insights about their business.

Join Esri and our partners as we share how business leaders in Retail, Real Estate, Retail Banking and Consumer Goods are using location and geography to drive success. Whether it’s by applying demographic, lifestyle and economic data to understand a location, or using maps and geospatial analysis to visualize IoT data, The Science of Where™ is how businesses understand why things happen where they do.

Hear from PWC, Belron, Pirelli, Knight Frank and many others how location solutions are used as part of their business decision making.

Places are already going fast – so register free today to ensure your participation!

Join GEOLYTIX for a Chinese New Year celebration on 5th Feb, 6pm, London

You are invited to attend this Chinese New Year event, being run by GEOLYTIX, one of our two main sponsors.


  • Date: Tuesday 6th February
  • Time: 3pm
  • Venue:The Royal Geographical Society – Kensington Gore, Kensington, London SW7 2AR

Geolytix Logo
“Join us for location/network planning presentations with an international theme, networking and drinks.

We already have about 70 location planners planning to attend, so quite a ‘gathering of the tribe’. If you could let us know if you can make it that will help us be sure to get enough food and drink arranged.

If nothing else, you will get to see, up close, this magnificent 17th Century Chinese map of the world.”

To book, please email Sarah Hitchcock

Introduction to Spatial Data & Using R as a GIS, Oxford, 1st Dec

CDRC logoUniversity of Oxford – 1st December 2017 @ 10:00 am – 4:30 pm

The course will cover an introduction to R, how to load and manage spatial data and how to create maps using R and RStudio. We will show you appropriate ways of using classifications for choropleth maps, using loops in R to create multiple maps and some basic spatial analysis.

We will be using RStudio to work with the R environment. By the end of the course you will be able to load data into R, represent it effectively and be able to prepare an output quality map.

This course is ideal for anyone who wishes to use spatial data in their role. This includes academics, commercial users, government & other public sector researchers who have data with some spatial information (e.g. address, postcode, etc.) which they wish to show on a map. This course is also suitable for those who wish to have an overview of what spatial data can be used for. No previous experience of spatial data is required.

No experience of spatial data, GIS or scripting required. Some basic experience of using Google Earth / Maps would be beneficial.

Please note this course can be taken as a one-day course, or can also be taken in conjunction with another one-day course on 20 November 2017.

For further information or to register for the Oxford course please visit our website.