
Excel for Business Analytics, 18/19th May, online

Excel is the most ubiquitous spreadsheet tool in the world with 81% of businesses using Excel. This is a course designed for beginners and intermediate users of MS Excel wishing to gain more confidence in using Excel for academic or commercial research and insight. The course is taught using a combination of 5 live online interactive sessions to outline the functions in detail, a self-study exercise (2-4 hours) which uses a ‘real world’ scenario to test delegates’ understanding of the topics covered, offline technical support and feedback on the exercise.

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Overview of the 2020 Practitioners’ Salary Survey – 14th May, 5pm (via Zoom)

Online session with discussion of Key Skills

Date: 14th May 2020
Time: 5 – 5.45pm
Online Zoom Meeting

In the first half of this session Steve Halsall and Ellie Shipp will present key findings from the 2020 Location Planning & Customer Insight Practitioners’ Survey of Salary and Benefits.  The full report (and key tables) will be available for download after the session.

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Introduction to Data Science in Python, 21/22 May (online)

Date: Thursday 21st May 9:30am-12:30pm &
Friday 22nd May 9:30am – 12:30pm (this session will now run over two mornings.)

Venue: Please note: This event will now take place online.

This is a training and capacity building event organised by the Consumer Data Research Centre (CDRC) in conjunction with the National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM), ESRC funded research projects.

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