
Logistics and the future of retail real estate, 10th Feb, 4pm

For our first meeting of the New Year, we explored the most recent evidence of the impact of e-commerce on real estate – particularly in relation to logistics infrastructure and capacity.

Scroll the bottom of the page to find the downloadable presentations from this event and to watch the session recording. Only available to SLA members – this information is password protected.


  • 4.00pm – 4.10pm  – Welcome and Introduction – Jonathan Reynolds, Chairman of the SLA and Associate Professor in Retail Marketing, Said Business School, Oxford
  • 4.10pm – 4.40pm   – Impact of the pandemic on the demand for logistics and distribution capacity, Jon Sleeman, Director of Research at JLL
  • 4.40pm – 5.00pm  – Expanding the role of location analysts to include logistics, Paul Dawsey, Logistics Solutions Director at CACI
  • 5.00pm – 5.10pm  – Introduction to the SLA Student Awards
  • Luke Burns, Associate Professor in Quantitative Human Geography, University of Leeds
  • 5.10pm – 5.20pm  – George Sullivan, Winner of SLA Student Awards – Undergraduate
  • 5.20pm  – 5.30pm – Catherine Duffy, Runner up of SLA Student Awards – Masters
  • 5.30pm –                    Wrap-up and close

Our speakers

Our speakers will include Jon Sleeman, Director of Research at JLL. Five years ago, Jon spoke at a Society of Location Analysis event about the physical and location implications for distribution networks of omnichannel retail logistics. This new presentation looks back to consider how distribution networks have evolved since then. It also considers the current factors influencing the geography of warehouse demand and supply in GB, and highlights the key challenges and opportunities that are likely to shape the nature of distribution buildings and their location in the future.

We’re also delighted to welcome Paul Dawsey, Logistics Solutions Director at CACI to speak to us. Paul will reflect on the role of the location analysis, which has traditionally been to provide recommendations on store locations. However, as online sales continue to increase in a post-COVID era, Paul will discuss how the role of the location analyst should expand to influence the logistics function. This could include the positioning of distribution sites to complement the physical retail network or a greater understanding of the costs of distribution to physical networks. The location and logistics analysis brings another dimension to location, ensuring customer demand can be serviced whilst keeping distribution costs to a minimum and maintaining a healthy level of flexibility. Paul’s presentation introduces this expanded role and has a look at the key levers that can be used.

Student Awards 2022
We will also celebrate the 2021 winners of our SLA Student Awards, designed to recognise outstanding achievements in the field of location analysis. The winning students George Sullivan and Catherine Duffy will share their findings with us. Click here to find out more about The Student Awards 2021 Results and Winners.

Speaker biographies

Jon Sleeman
Director of Research at JLL

Jon is a Director in JLL’s UK Research team covering the industrial and logistics property market. As a researcher of this market over many years he has seen how physical distribution networks have evolved over time and how the geography of warehousing has changed. Jon has a MSc in Logistics and Supply Chain Management from Cranfield and is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport.

Paul Dawsey
Logistics Solutions Director, CACI

Paul is Director of Logistics Solutions at CACI. He has worked for the past 11 years designing solutions to help logistics operations minimise their costs whilst remaining resilient and flexible.  Prior to CACI, Paul spent 20 years developing and implementing complex software solutions in a variety of sectors.

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Contact Ruth on info@thesla.org if you have any questions.