There are 2 Advanced courses to support understanding across Excel’s extensive analysis and visualisation features.
- Course 1 – Advanced Excel for Analysis
- Course 2 – Advanced Excel for Visualisation
Course 1 – Advanced Excel for Analysis, 29th Nov
This course provides training and practical examples of a
wider range of Excel features and functions in support of
heavy duty data analysis.
- IFERROR function and error codes – #VALUE!, #NAME?, #DIV/0!, #REF!, #NULL!, #N/A, #NUM!
- Arrays and array formulas
- Dynamic array functions – UNIQUE, SORT, SORTBY,
- Other advanced analysis features: Splitting Columns, Data Validation, Goal Seek, Data Analysis ToolPak, Remove Duplicates, What-if Analysis, Consolidate, Groups and Subtotals
Advanced Excel for Visualisation, 30th Nov
This course focuses on creating visualisations and outputs to
aid data insight, reporting or dashboards. You will be armed
with a plethora of example charts to use in your own work.
- Charting principles – deciding which charts to use when, good labelling and design, use of multiple variable charts
- Conditional formatting
- Excel Chart Types – including column and bar charts, line and area charts, pie and doughnut charts, sparklines
- Creating map visualisations
- Sharing content – output to emails, reports or web pages
Course timings:
Day class – 9.30am – 2.30pm
Course Fees
Course fees – per person, including VAT
• Advanced Excel for Analysis – £99.00 (* £89.10, ** £79.20)
• Advanced Excel for Visualisation – £99.00 (* £89.10, ** £79.20)
Refer a Colleague/Friend discount: if you and at least one
colleague or friend book at least 2 full weeks before the course
start date you will both be entitled to a 10% discount.
** Graduate/Job Seeker**: if you are a recent graduate or
someone who is currently out of work and seeking a new role if
you book at least 2 weeks in advance of the course start date
then you will be entitled to a 20% discount.
To book email to book or find out more.
Excel training dates:
- Intermediate Excel – 26th Nov
- Advanced Excel for Visualisation – 30th Nov
- Advanced Excel for Analysis – 29th Nov