Thank you for a great event!
Thank you to all those who attended this very successful and well received event. The feedback was very positive and will help us to plan next year’s session so thanks also to all those who responded with comments and suggestions.
We have the presentations available to download for most of our speakers. These are available to download for SLA members only. Please visit our members area by clicking the link below. This area is password protected.
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This area is password protected. Only members of the Society for Location Analysis can access presentations.
This event was our second free one-day, invitation only event in Oxford focusing on the Challenges and Opportunities facing retail location analysis and customer insight professionals. The first event in 2018 was well attended and extremely well received. Contributors to the workshop will be drawn from analysts and managers amongst retail, finance and other consumer services, property and retail professional service firms, as well as leading academics and commentators but the day will also rely heavily on the views and contributions of attendees. The workshop comprised of a mixture of presentations and panel discussions amongst practitioners.
The day will commence at 1000 for a 1030 start and will conclude by 1615, with optional networking & drinks. We will be based at the Said Business School, Park End Street, adjacent to Oxford rail station.
Speakers are shown below:
1000-1030 Registration. Coffee / tea in Founders’ Room, Said Business School
1030-1130 Current developments in retailing – Dr Jonathan Reynolds, Said Business School
1130-1300 New data sources – facilitated by
- New Internet User Classification – (Prof Alex Singleton, University of Liverpool)
- Developments in data aggregators and dashboards – (Matthew Hopkinson, Didobi)
- Mobile Data and Location Intelligence (Rafa Pulido, VP Product,Geoblink )
1300-1400 LUNCH – Pyramid Room
1400-1500 New methods for retail location planners
- An applied review of location planning methods young and old – (Dr Chris Thompson, Head of Retail Location Planning, CACI)
- “Quantifying the impact of weather on high street retail purchases”, Natalie Rose, PhD student, University of Liverpool
- Taking a customer centric approach to location strategy in the Automotive industry –(Louise Etherden, Head of Proposition, CACI)
1500-1615 – 2025: What will the location planning function look like? – a panel discussion
1615-1715 Optional networking & drinks
Feedback from 2018’s event:
Thinking about why you should attend? Here’s what just a handful of our delegates said about last year’s session:
- “great networking event and opportunity to share ideas”
- “an excellent and worthwhile day with plenty of engagement and interaction”
- “Really enjoyed the day, always reassuring to know there are other people out there in a similar role, with similar challenges, and that there are plenty of opportunities for development & progression.”
Important details
This event will run from 10am to 5.15pm on 6th June 2019 at the Said Business School in central Oxford.
Spaces are limited. If you are interested in participating in this event, please Register Here:
If you have any questions please email Claudia.seiler@sbs.ox.ac.uk or info@thesla.org.
Directions and information
Please download the useful documents below for all the information you need regarding travel, accommodation etc.