Date: Tuesday 12th November
Time: 10.00 for 10.30 to 1.30
Venue: Chamberlain Room, Birmingham City Council, Council House, Victoria Square, Birmingham, B1 1BB
How to find the venue:
Attendees should approach the Council House building via the front entrance middle set of doors – you can’t miss them as they have stone pillars around the doors. Enter the building, up the initial staircase to the security guard, who will point you to the room, which is on the first floor.
Official start time is 10am. If people arrive very early, there is a Starbucks next to the building.
Please download the
Council House Map and Directions here.
A very huge thanks to everyone who made this event a really interesting and worthwhile debate. A lot of hard work and planning went into getting this regional event organised and we hope to do more events like this in the future. We know that you, our members, really value regional events but we will need all your help in future to help us attract more delegates to regional sessions. Not least because it’s a shame when members miss out on such valuable and interesting learning and debate.
Special thanks to our hosts, Birmingham City Council for welcoming us to the beautiful Council Buildings and even organising the Christmas market to be set up right outside.
Thanks to our brilliant speakers who all spoke from the heart about very different subjects and approaches, but it was encouraging to see that there were also many similarities to the challenges faced.
We would also like to thank Bob Barr for standing in at very short notice to present on behalf of Blair Freebairn and Sarah Hitchcock of GeoLytix. Bob gave us his spin in Open Data, the innovations GeoLytics are using to bring you free open data for many, many fascinating data sets and how the future might look.
Finally thank you to those who attended. We were a little thin on the ground with far fewer than we normally expect to our events but it was a lovely cosy atmosphere with some good debates, questions and networking.
Download presentations here:
We are pleased to provide copies of all the event’s presentations here:
“Bob Barr of Manchest Geomatics presenting for Blair Freebairn and Sarah Hitchcock of GeoLytix”
Feedback and comments from speakers and delegates
This event received the BEST EVER feedback on the quality of speakers and relevance of subjects. 100% of attendees said the speakers were good or very good and every speaker got 100% score for their presentation. This is the best score we’ve ever had for any event.
As with every session we organise, there is always room for improvement on the event planning and the only regret is that so few managed to attend on the day. We really do want to run regional events for members but would like to see more attendees in the future. We also appreciate how much life and work get in the way, but those who attended on the 12th November had a real treat. Those who didn’t make it really missed out.
“A big thank you to all for hosting a really interesting event. I look forward to the next one.” Andy Brumwell, West Midlands Police
“This is the first SLA event I’ve ever attended and I found it very useful and look forward to attending more in the future.”
“I found it very interesting and the cosy feel really helps with the getting to speak to people. It would be good to attract more people and this does dissapoint a little but we must be mindful of the scale of change in the public sector at present. This will have had a big effect. Many thanks also to the presenters very interesting topics and we can all say we learned something new too. Also thanks to Susan who did a stirling job organising things here at the council.”
“Thanks for organising what was a good, if slightly sparsely attended, event. I thought the other speakers were great!” Bob Barr, Manchester Geomatics.
Chair: Steve Scholey, Hampshire County Council
- 10.00 – Refreshments and networking
- 10.30 – Welcome and introduction
- 10.40 – Adapting retail location planning techniques for the public sector – Steve Scholey, Customer Intelligence, Hampshire County Council
- 11.10 – Location planning for delivery of public services in Birmingham –
Zoë Wright, Data Analyst and Susan Keung, Strategic Research, Birmingham City Council - 11.40 Refreshments
- 12.00 – Defining priority areas for Police and Partnership working – Andrew Brumwell, Geo-spatial Research and Intelligence, West Midlands Police
- 12.30 – Bob Barr, ODUG
- 13.00 – Discussions and close
- 13.30 Lunch and networking
Speaker synopsis
Adapting retail location planning techniques for the public sector
Steve Scholey, Customer Intelligence, Hampshire County Council
Various case studies and examples. The intention is to focus on methodologies that others might wish to apply in their areas of work.
Location planning for delivery of public services in Birmingham
Zoe Wright, Analyst at Birmingham City Council
Using Birmingham City Council as an example, how the public sector can and does use sophisticated geodemographic (GDIS) tools and localised data to help profile citizens and local businesses, who does and doesn’t use Council services, and the most effective ways to communicate with users, residents and businesses.
Speaker biographies
Steve Scholey, Development, support and promotion of Customer Insight (CI) at Hampshire Customer Insight Partnership
Within the public sector, Steve has contributed to DCLG-led projects on provision of customer-facing and waste collection services and to Hampshire projects on usage of libraries, cultural and recreation services, smoking cessation, demand for early years and special educational needs places and assessments of troubled families, children in need and school catchments.
Zoe Wright, Analyst at Birmingham City Council
Zoë Wright is an analyst for Birmingham City Council’s Customer Knowledge team, a centralised Customer Insight function.
Her background is in local government, starting in policy support, and now providing geodemographic and data analysis.
She has experience of working on customer segmentation, location profiles, and business data.
She graduated with a MA psychology degree from a Scottish university and moved to Birmingham for work a few years later, and has been here ever since.
Andy Brumwell, Geo-Spatial Intelligence Analyst at West Midlands Police
Andy Brumwell is geo-spatial intelligence analyst at West Midlands Police, UK’s second largest Police Force covering a population of approximately 2.7 million residents. He has responsibility for supporting the Force in the analysis of spatial data for strategic and tactical purposes.
He is responsible for supporting and training analysts and Police officers in the use of crime mapping and geo-spatial intelligence analysis techniques. He is also very interested in the use of multi-agency partnership data.
Andy is vice-chair of the International Crime and Intelligence Analysis Conference steering group. He has contributed to a number of crime mapping and analysis publications including the POP Centre Guide “Crime Analysis for Problem Solvers – 60 Steps” and the UK NPIA guide for crime analysts “Analysis of Geographic Information – Workbook”
He has a BSc (Hons) Geography Degree (Uni of Birmingham, UK) and a Post-graduate Certificate in Crime Prevention and Community Safety at the Jill Dando Institute for Crime Science, University College London (UCL), UK. He is an accredited geographic profiling analyst.
To reserve your place to attend this free event please email